Our Slovak customer company ARTFUL, s.r.o. implemented in 2015 our control system Foxtrot in residential house in Stupava.
The brain of the system is central module CP-1000, where runs web interface designed for mobile applications. Web interface displays all inputs and outputs. System Foxtrot controls via 3 modules C-OR-0011M-800 all light circuits and gates. For switching on the lights there are used motion sensors from security system and contacts on sliding doors. Dimming of lights is controlled by 2 modules C-DM-0402M-RLC. In kitchen and bathroom there are mood 24V LED stripes controlled via modules C-DM-0006M-ULED.
Control of switching can be via bus wall switches in design Logus90 Aquarella pearl. LED diodes in bus wall switches signalize open garage doors and movement in front of it.
Heating is controlled via three-way valves, which are controlled by analog outputs 0-10V at central module CP-1000. System can control temperature of medium in floor heating at each floor. Required temperature can be set by user for each room separately via web interface.