In city Kadafalva in Hungary, during renovation of a house, young customer decided to use a complex control system integrating all technologies implemented in this residential house including remote access. Because of frequent travelling out of the house he required automated running of all technologies and remote access and monitoring.
The whole renovation of wires and installation of our control system Foxtrot has been done by our distributor in Hungary company Szinusz Épületautomatika Kft.
System Tecomat Foxtrot here controls and integrates following technologies:
- LED lights – switching, dimming, scenes, individual control and groupping the lights control.
- Individual and group control of ligths, time tipping according to sun position.
- Individual zone temperature control in zones / rooms, floor heating.
- RGB lighting – settings of light scenes.
- IT network and TV distribution – centralized in rack.
- Wi-fi installation with accesss points.
- Security system Paradox EVO, signals from detectors used for following logic of house control by system Foxtrot.
- Touch tablet with with control screens in the wall for easy and intuitive control.